Feng Xiao

Associate Professor of Asian Languages and Literatures; On leave for the 2024-2025 academic year
  • Expertise


    Feng Xiao conducts research on second language (L2) development across diverse contexts, including study abroad, with a focus on pragmatics—the nuanced use of language in context. Pragmatics remains a fundamental challenge for generative AI, as highlighted by the Chinese Room Argument, underscoring the depth of human linguistic intuition that machines struggle to replicate.

    Inspired by his research, Xiao collaborates with students to develop digital tools that address individual differences in language acquisition and empower instructors to integrate AI-driven strategies into their pedagogy. He believes that the appropriate use of AI technology can offer personalized learning experience and help address educational inequity.

    Xiao’s work also extends to the authentication of Chinese cultural artifacts, contributing to the preservation and scholarly understanding of historical and artistic heritage.

    Research Interests

    • Cross-Linguistic and cross-cultural differences
    • AI-Supported language learning
    • Data mining in applied linguistics

    Areas of Expertise

    • Pragmatics
    • Second Language Acquisition
    • AI-Supported Language Learning
    • Quantitative Methods in Applied Linguistics
  • Work



    Li, S., & Xiao, F. (2025). Assessing pragmatic routines in L2 Chinese: a focus on rating scale functioning and rater behavior. In J., Jin & S., Ke (Eds.). Chinese Language Education and Second Language Chinese Acquisition (pp. 130-151). Routledge.


    Xiao, F., Liu, G., Yu, Y., Wang, H. & Wang-Bramlett, D. (2024). AI-supported language education beyond ChatGPT. Studies in Chinese Learning and Teaching, 9, 1-11.

    Xiao, F. (2024). The 80/20 rule in the era of artificial intelligence. International Chinese Learning and Teaching Resources, 1(1), 161-167.

    Xiao, F. & Lang, J. (2024). New developments in Pomona College’s Chinese program: implementation of gender-inclusive curriculum practices. Chinese Language Globalization Studies, 14, 80-88.

    Liu, Y. & Xiao, F. (2024). Effects of Lexical Properties in L2 Chinese Compound Processing: A Multivariate Approach. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 53.

    Lang, J., Xiao, F., Zhang, M. (2024). Second Language Motivational Selves and Interactional Pragmatics in Study Abroad: A Qualitative Study. Languages, 9(12).


    Xiao, F., Liu, G., Yu, Y., Wang, H. & Wang-Bramlett, D. (2023). ChatGPT and Chinese Teaching. Studies in Chinese Learning and Teaching, 8, 1-13.

    Xiao, F. & Wade, Cecilia. (2023). Differences in Code-Switching between Chinese Heritage and Non-Heritage Learners in Computer-Mediated Communication. Chinese Language Teaching Methodology and Technology, 6(1), 1-29.

    Tiller, A, & Xiao, F. (2023). Factors on US students’ study abroad planning after the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies in Chinese Learning and Teaching, 9, 108-129.

    Xiao, F. & Nie, K. (2023). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on American students’ willingness to study abroad. In D., Zhang & R., Miller (Eds.). Crossing Boundaries in Researching, Understanding, and Improving Language Education (pp. 257-270). Switzerland: Springer.


    Li, S., Tang, X., Taguchi, N., & Xiao, F. (2022). Effects of linguistic proficiency on speech act development in L2 Chinese during study abroad. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 7(1), 116-151.

    Xiao, F. (2020). Instructional effect on acquisition of Chinese pragmatics. Studies in Chinese Learning and Teaching, 4, 1-28.

    Xiao, F., Taguchi, N., & Li, S. (2019). Effects of proficiency subskills on pragmatic development in L2 Chinese study abroad. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 41(2), 469-483.

    Li, S., Taguchi, N., & Xiao, F. (2019). Variations in Rating Scale Functioning in Assessing Speech Act Production in L2 Chinese. Language Assessment Quarterly, 16(3), 271-293.

    Xiao, F. (2018). Advanced-level pragmatics in instructed SLA. In P. Malovrh & A. Benati (Eds.). Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition (pp. 463-482). New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell.

    Xiao, F. (2018). Development of pragmatic competence in L2 Chinese study abroad. In A. Sánchez-Hernández & A. Herraiz-Martínez (Eds.), Learning second language pragmatics beyond traditional contexts (pp. 227-254). Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang.

    Xiao, F. (2017). Development in the use of Chinese mitigation in interaction. Chinese as a Second Language Research, 6(1), 39-71.

    Taguchi, N., Xiao, F. & Li, S. (2016). Effects of intercultural competence and social contact on speech act production in a Chinese study abroad context. The Modern Language Journal, 100(4), 775-796.

    Taguchi, N., Xiao, F., & Li, S. (2016). Assessment of study abroad outcomes in Chinese as a second language: gains in cross-cultural adaptability, language contact, and proficiency. Intercultural Education, 27(6), 600-614.

    Xiao, F. (2015). Adult second language learners’ pragmatic development in the study-abroad context: A review. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 25, 132-149.

    Xiao, F. (2015). Proficiency effect on L2 pragmatic competence. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 5(4), 557-581.

    Ke, S. & Xiao, F. (2015). Cross-linguistic transfer of morphological awareness between Chinese and English. Language Awareness, 24(4), 355-380.

    Liu, Y. & Xiao, F. (2015). Comprehension of Chinese vague expressions: A comparison between heritage and non-heritage learners. Chinese as a Second Language Research, 4(2), 271-294.

    Liu, Y. & Xiao, F. (2015). A review of research on the development of interlanguage pragmatic competence. TCSL Studies, 59, 41-50.

    Xiao, F. & Shi, Z. (2014). The development of pragmatic competence in study abroad context: The comparison of Chinese negotiation strategy in a service encounter between American heritage learners and non-heritage learners. Overseas Chinese Teaching, 2, 23-36.

    Taguchi, N., Li, S., & Xiao, F. (2013). Production of formulaic expressions in L2 Chinese: A longitudinal investigation in a study-abroad context. Chinese as a Second Language Research, 2(1), 23-58.

  • Education


    Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University

    B.A., M.Ed., Beijing Language and Culture University

    Recent Courses Taught

    • Chinese Culture and Arts
    • Chinese Language in Society
    • Digital News Reading in Chinese
    • Chinese in the Working World
    • Advanced Chinese I & II
    • Intermediate Chinese I & II
  • Awards & Honors

    Awards & Honors

    Hirsch Research Initiation Grant, 2021-2023

    EnviroLab Asia Curricular Innovation Award, Henry Luce Foundation, 2020

    Andrew W. Mellon Grant for Digital Humanities, 2016-2019

    Hahn Fund for Innovative Teaching with Technology, 2016-2017; 2018-2019; 2020-2021

    Language Learning Dissertation Grant, 2015

    Modern Languages Department Dissertation Completion Scholarship, Carnegie Mellon University, 2014-2015

    Barbara F. Freed Award for Research on Language Learning in a Study Abroad Context, 2014-2015